Helgen har varit finfinfin

2010-09-26 @ 22:47:21 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Piazza, New York Catcher

Jag är sjuk. Och uttråkad. Så jag lyssnar på bra musik och hoppas på att det ska göra mig frisk.

2010-09-04 @ 22:35:06 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck could chuck no amout of wood since a woodchuck can't chuck wood.

But if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amout of wood would a woodchuck chuck?

Even if a woodchuck could chuck wood and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood, should a woodchuck chuck wood?

A wouldchuck wood chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood.

Oh, shut up.

2010-09-04 @ 22:20:58 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()